逐光欧洲 共探智能未来 | 欧达光电携旗下品牌Austa亮相Intersolar Europe 2023

欧圣达Osda   2023-06-16 14:10:51

2023年6月14日,Intersolar Europe 2023在德国慕尼黑新国际展览中心隆重举行。欧达光电旗下品牌Austa携N型TOPCon高效光伏组件亮相A2.131展位(组件板块);携光储充一体化解决方案、“阳台经济”微逆系统一体化解决方案亮相B4.260展位(储能板块)。

On June 14th, 2023, Intersolar Europe 2023 was held at the New International Exhibition Center in Munich, Germany. Austa, a brand of Osda Solar, presented its N-type TOPCon high-efficiency PV modules at booth A2.131 (module section) and its integrated solutions for light storage and charging, and "balcony economy" micro-inversion system at booth B4.260 (energy storage section).


Intersolar Europe是世界领先的太阳能行业展览会,在“连接太阳能业务”的价值观下,来自世界各地的制造商、供应商、分销商等光伏行业从业人员每年齐聚慕尼黑,共同讨论行业最新发展趋势,第一手探索行业创新成果,结识潜在新客户。

Intersolar Europe is the world"s leading trade fair for the solar industry. Under the value of "connecting the solar business", manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and other PV industry players from all over the world gather in Munich every year to discuss the latest industry trends, explore first-hand the industry innovations and meet potential new customers.


Countries in southern Europe such as Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal enjoy longer hours of sunshine and higher solar altitude angles. Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Norway and Finland are at higher latitudes and enjoy long daylight hours in summer. Although weather conditions and seasonal changes may have an impact on light, overall, most of Europe still has sufficient light resources for a wide range of solar and other PV technologies.

欧洲各国在过去几年里采取了积极的光伏政策,以促进可再生能源的发展和减少对化石燃料的依赖。例如,本次展会举办地德国就采取了一系列政策措施,包括法定的优先购电制度(Feed-in Tariffs),为太阳能发电提供稳定的回购价格。此外,政府还推出了经济激励措施和减免税收政策,鼓励居民和企业安装太阳能系统。西班牙随着太阳能行业的迅速增长,政府逐渐削减了补贴,转向竞争性招标和市场机制,以实现更加可持续的发展。法国推出了太阳能发电的定价机制,确保发电商获得合理的回购价格。这些政策措施旨在鼓励光伏发电的发展和应用,促进可再生能源的增长,并为投资者和发电商提供稳定和可预测的环境。

European countries have adopted aggressive PV policies over the past few years to promote the development of renewable energy and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. For example, Germany, where the show is being held, has adopted a number of policy measures, including a statutory priority power purchase system (Feed-in Tariffs) that provides a stable buy-back price for solar power. In addition, the government has introduced economic incentives and tax breaks to encourage residents and businesses to install solar systems. In Spain, as the solar industry grew rapidly, the government gradually cut subsidies and shifted to competitive bidding and market mechanisms to achieve more sustainable development. France has introduced a pricing mechanism for solar power to ensure that generators receive a reasonable buyback price. These policy measures are designed to encourage the development and adoption of PV, promote the growth of renewable energy, and provide a stable and predictable environment for investors and power producers.


In this exhibition, Austa presented its latest high-efficiency PV modules with N-type TOPCon cell technology. These modules are brand new products based on the current mainstream N-type TOPCon technology route and have already been successfully mass produced. As of February 2023, these modules have a maximum conversion efficiency of 22.54%. They offer lower attenuation rates, better high-temperature power generation performance, higher bifacial yields, better low light performance, and superior reliability. In addition, the same style but different power modules can be flexibly adapted to various application scenarios, including centralized ground power plants, industrial and commercial distributed power plants and home distributed power plants.


Since its establishment, Osda Solar has been adhering to the corporate mission of enabling thousands of households to share green energy. At the same time, our Energy Storage Division has been committed to the research, development, manufacturing and sales of integrated optical storage and charging solutions. So far, the Energy Storage Division has successfully developed and launched several solutions, including grid-connected system solutions, off-grid system solutions, micro-inversion system solutions, integrated grid-connected and off-grid system solutions and battery module solutions. Guided by the mission of Oasis, the Energy Storage Division has especially launched the "Balcony Economy" micro-inversion system integrated solution, which includes solar panels, micro-inverters, mounting brackets and other complete system packaging kits. It is easy to transport, simple to install and takes up little space, and can be flexibly installed on balconies, roofs, external walls and floors. This solution is widely used and warmly welcomed in China and abroad.


During the exhibition, Austa"s booth was crowded with visitors and customers, Austa"s module products not only have high power and low loss technology, but also its design beautifies the color and style of the modules, making them more eye-catching. Core heart" with a new APP platform system, from the beautiful shape, high utilization, high conversion rate, strong stability, more intelligent, safe and reliable and other aspects to fully meet the needs of the majority of households. The visitors personally saw the products up close and had a detailed exchange with the sales staff, and expressed their continued interest in Austa"s products and development.

Intersolar Europe 2023将于6月16日闭幕,Austa诚挚期待您的莅临!我们的展位号:A2.131(组件板块)、B4.260(储能板块)。

Intersolar Europe 2023 will be closed on June 16, Austa sincerely look forward to your visit! Our booth numbers: A2.131 (module panel), B4.260 (energy storage panel).


Osda is a global smart energy solution provider, always focusing on global strategic layout. Up to now, Osda has set up overseas offices in more than 10 countries and regions, including Netherlands, Germany, USA, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc., and has business in nearly 100 countries and regions around the world. In the future, the company will continue to strive to create sustainable value for global customers through win-win cooperation and resource integration, and accelerate the global green energy transformation and upgrading.